America the Feathered Serpent
On Francis Bacon...
excerpts from the Secret Bard by Michal Taylor found at the midst of this unstable background, Elizabeth 1 came to the throne in 1558. By the time Charles I succeeded to the Throne in 1625, English language had been transformed, and English commerce and trade led the world. America was being colonised, and foundations had been laid for a revolution in political thought and science. W.T. Smedley, a Bacon biographer, states:
"From 1576 to 1623 the English language was made the finest examples of its capacities which today exist: But the knowledge and wisdom possessed by the classical writers, the histories of the principal nations of the world, practically everything that was worth knowing in the literature of other countries, were for the first time made available in the English tongue." ring to bring about a revolution along the lines of Bacon's thought. They acquainted Bacon with mystery traditions like Gnosticism, the Egyptian mysteries and the Knight Templars, which influenced his later writings. So Bacon's subsequent political career in the Elizabethan Parliament and under James I was as much of a sideshow to the vast philosophical undertaking he had set himself as his practice as a lawyer. Even so, he represented many constituencies, notably the foremost seat of Middlesex, and later simultaneously St Albans, Ipswich and Cambridge. Bacon is the only person in History to be a member of the House of Lords and the House of Commons at the same time. In Parliament he served on no less than 29 committees, and was regarded as one of the most eloquent orators ever to have stood before the House of Commons.
Bacon's Philosophy
Bacon's method for permeating his philosophical ideas into the collective unconscious of the age can best be summarised in his motto: bene visit qui bene latuit - One lives best by the hidden life. Bacon resurrected the Rosicrucian Mystery school and the Freemasons, and injected new life into these secret fraternity societies so they became vehicles for the new Baconian philosophy of reason and scientific enquiry. Bacon, like Goethe, scorned knowledge that did not lead to action and also scorned the denial of evil in ourselves. Bacon was grateful to Machiavelli for his frank appraisal of the shadow side of human nature in politics: "We are beholden to Machiavelli, and writers of that kind, who openly and unmasked declare what men do in fact, and not what they ought to do; for it is impossible to join the wisdom of the serpent and the innocence of the dove, without the precious knowledge of the nature of evil." Bacon's works touch on all aspects of humanity - politics, religion, theology, scientific method, but his most brilliant observations are psychological. Foreshadowing the discoveries by Carl Jung about the nature of the unconscious and the shadow side of man, Bacon recognised that the baseness of man should be recognised and dealt with openly, not repressed and personified as the devil.
In science, Bacon sought nothing less than the reconstruction of a system that could be applied to the relief of man's suffering. He constructed a new Classification of Science (The Advancement of Learning, 1603-05), described a new method for the Interpretation of Nature (Things Thought and Seen, 1607, Thread of the Labyrinth, 1606, Novum Organum, 1608-20). He investigated the phenomena of nature in Natural History (1622), and showed how the writers of the past had advanced their truths to the time of Bacon in Forest of Forests, published in 1624. Bacon recorded "anticipations" of scientific results he felt would come from application of his methods in On Origins (1621). As a result of applying these principles, he described the basis of a new society that would emerge in The New Atlantis (1624). This Magna Instauratio, the great reconstruction, was inspired by the vision Bacon had in his youth, and was a herculean task without precedent in the history of thought. As Bacon stated in the preface to Magna Instauratio. "and I am laboring to lay the foundation not of any sect or doctrine, but of utility and power". To Bacon, "Knowledge is power, not mere argument or ornament." ---END Bacon in comic books...
First Appearance: Doctor Strange v1 #17 (August 1976).
Appearances: Doctor Strange v1 #17-18.
Years Active: 1561-1626.
Yes, that Sir Francis Bacon, the philosopher, scientist and writer. It was revealed in the two issues of Doctor Strange in which he appeared that by 1618 Bacon was a mystic, a telepath, and a low-level sorcerer, who was the leader of a society of French, German, Dutch, and English; they are "men who grow weary of the petty feudal struggles...and dream of a new society...of free men, where...the governors shall be the governed" and who see such a society emerging in America. What's more, Bacon had been assigned to choose the Englishmen who colonized the "New World," and thus was responsible for the United States itself. Pretty neat of him, eh?
By Manly P. Hall
The unfolding story of the esoteric traditions in the Western hemisphere is revealed, beginning with the rites and mysteries of the Maya and Aztecs. Parallels are drawn between the miracles of the North American Indian medicine priests and wonder-workers of India. Also included: an account of the Incas of Peru and their possible contact with Asia; the riddle of Columbus; the role of Francis Bacon in organizing the English settlements in America, and the contributions of the German mystics through the Pietists, Mennonites, Dunkers, and Quakers. The American Revolutionary period and important personalities of that time are examined, as are the Latin American patriots Simon Bolivar, Miguel Hidalgo, and Benito Juarez.
By R.H. Esquire. Foreword by Manly P. Hall
“New Atlantis” was begun by Lord Verulam, Viscount of St. Alban’s, also known as Francis Bacon, summarized and continued in 1660 by a mysterious figure known only as R.H. Esquire. Considered one of the most important of the Utopian writings, envisioning advancement of all the branches of learning in the Western hemisphere; and is of great interest to those collecting emblem books and cryptographic material.
By Manly P. Hall
The fascinating story of how the American continent was colonized by Europe, described by Francis Bacon as the “New Atlantis,” seemingly set apart for the great experiment of enlightened self-government long before the founding fathers envisioned the rise of the American Republic. Drawing upon often neglected fragments of history, evidence is presented which indicates that the seeds of democracy were planted one thousand years before the beginning of the Christian Era, suggesting that America is not merely a political and industrial entity, but an “assignment of destiny.”<br>
"Initiation, Human and Solar" 1997 by Alice A. Bailey & Djwhal Khul
-ABOUT THIS BOOK- from - Lucis Trust: "The theme of "initiation" appears in various relationships throughout this series of books. An initiation is an expansion of consciousness--a means of opening the mind and heart to a recognition of what already exists in reality. It is, therefore, a result of the ability to transcend those glamours and illusions which veil the truth and limit the consciousness" VI - The Lodge of Masters
"The Master who concerns himself especially with the future development of racial affairs in Europe, and with the mental outgrowth in America and Australia, is the Master Rakoczi. He is a Hungarian, and has a home in the Carpathian mountains, and was at one time a well-known figure at the Hungarian Court. Reference to him can be found in old historical books, and he was particularly before the public eye when he was the Comte de St. Germain, and earlier still when he was both Roger Bacon and later, Francis Bacon. It is interesting to note that as the Master R. takes hold, on the inner planes, of affairs in Europe, his name as Francis Bacon is coming before the public eye in the Bacon-Shakespeare controversy. He is rather a small, spare man, with pointed black beard, and smooth black hair, and does not take as many pupils as do the Masters previously mentioned. He is at present handling the majority of the third ray pupils in the occident in conjunction with the Master Hilarion. The Master R. is upon the seventh Ray, that of Ceremonial Magic or Order, and he works largely through esoteric ritual and ceremonial, being vitally [59] interested in the effects, hitherto unrecognized, of the ceremonial of the Freemasons, of the various fraternities and of the Churches everywhere. He is called in the Lodge, usually, "the Count," and in America and Europe acts Practically as the general manager for the carrying out of the plans of the executive council of the Lodge. Certain of the Masters form around the three great Lords an inner group, and meet in council with great frequency."
"Initiation, Human and Solar" 1997 by Alice A. Bailey & Djwhal Khul A. Bailey's 80 books at Trust homepage: