Thats what they spend their time doing.
That's not what they spend ALL their time doing. That's like saying all traditional MUAY THAI fighters spend their time doing, is sparring, and breaking bamboo with their knees and elbows.
I can tell you for certain, that nothing could be further from the truth.
In Thailand, nearly all traditional Thai fighters are devout Buddhists.
What do you think the RAM MUAY and all the ceremony is all about?
Same thing applies to AIKIDO.
You pretend as if I didn't post all that spiritual info about this art, or you are just choosing to ignore it. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't exsist.
AIKIDO is a very spiritual art. Dare I say, even more than MUAY THAI.
If by "practice", you mean in training, then you're right. But neither in applicable life either.
A "fighting art", as opposed to what art that's not?
However, that's not correct anyways.
Aikido is a defensive art, not a combative one.
Since I've sat in on an AIKIDO (a traditional one, not this western non-sense) class, I can say with certainty, that it's a balanced mix.
Class begins with a ceremonial meditation moment, and the physical training/sparring, and ends with discussion.
Much like what takes place in a Hindu or Buddhist temple--go figure.
You sound like that crazy Devil that wrote that ANGRY PAJAMAS book.
There is not a single traditional martial artist that "revels in violence". Also, Traditional schools are not looking to "profit" in the western sense.
You continue to demonstrate your lack of understanding of the martial arts world.
This totally contradicts your previous 2 statements then.
How does a man who "revels in violence" instruct others to refrain from it?
I don't see how what you just stated refutes in any way what I said.
The I-CHING is the basis for the POOMSE, the POOMSE are what comprise the art of TKD.
I-CHING is spirituality. Thus even TKD is based on spirituality.
Ironically, that sounds not dissimilar from what I'm hearing from you.
They've lost site of the spiritual aspects of martial arts, and here you remain oblivious to it as well.
Besides, the KUKKIWON are more or less western. You do know the difference, or at least how to recognize a western school or "federation", from a traditional school or Clan, yes?
You act as if you have to be a MONK to be spiritual.
Am I a monk?
You continuously attempt to casually dismiss spirituality, as it applies to martial arts, while ignoring the blatantly overwhelming evidence indicating otherwise.
C'mon man, I know you're smarter than that.
These monks do what they do, because they were the ones that created these various arts to begin with.
No they don't, but that wasn't your example from before, and therefore it's not appropriate for you to use it now.
You said Christianity. And that RELIGION (re: not spiritual) " revels in violence and makes a profit", as you previously stated.
That will only be the case for only so long, before you are asked to join a specific church. And believe me, as my father is a Deacon, becoming a church member means PAYING MONEY.
Precisely. You really should do more research on traditionalism within the martial world.
Traditionalists really despise that whole
"store front karate class, with the trophies in the window, that White Soccer Moms drop their bad-ass kids off at on Wednesday nights while mom and dad go get high on coke, so that the kids can play POWER-RANGER" epidemic that has cropped up here in the West.
As opposed to........What? What art does not have even a modicum of violence?
Once again, you totally missed my point. Just because you learn to do these things, doesn't mean that you need to look for every opportunity to do them.
In addition to learning to do these things, any traditional school worth the title also teaches the meanings behind doing them as well.
Otherwise, why take an art where he wears a funny little hat on his head, and is made to dance and pray in the middle of the ring to drums?
I don't go around doing the RAM MUAY all day either, so aaccording to your "logic", why even bother learning it?
"All day"? Go back and re-read my experience in an AIKIDO dojo.
Just because you see pics of BIN LADEN and his followers with M-16's and RPG's does that mean that that's all they were all about?
They are devout Muslims, you know. Just because western media only depicts one biased side to him, does'nt mean that he doesn't spend considerable time praying, reading the QUR'AN, etc.
Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exsist--especially when you're not looking for it, and all the more when you are trying to remain totally oblivious to it.
True it's not, but you apparently haven't been to Japan then. Granted I haven't either, but every single person who speaks of a Japanese (and Asian in general) social experience, says that they are perhaps the most civilized people walking the planet right now.
Do you take your shoes off everytime you enter the house? Do the English?
To compare them to the English is a travesty, even despite that whole Japanese occupation issue, which I know you're talking about.
ICHI the KILLAH is not by far a representation of Japanese culture. And neither is WWII.
Incidently, what is your definition for being "civilized"? And what peoples, in your knowledge, fits that definition--be it past or present?
I'm still looking for his credibility here. Besides, why is his perspective superlative to that of the man who created AIKIDO to begin with?
Once again, you completely ignored that, in favor of holding fast to your westernalization.
This is a blanketed statement, and I'm not even sure what it has to do with my preceding one.
I'm sure the creator of the SONY corporation--being Japanese-- wants to get paid. So what?
Otherwise, can you show that all traditional schools, both in the west and in the east are "getting paid" (as that term is meant in the western sense) from teaching arts in the traditional fashion?
Was the founder of AIKIDO "paid"?
By who? And if he doesn't, does that justify the bullshit?
Plenty of people in this world perpetuate bullshit, and don't get called on it.
Look at Christianity, for instance.
Who, the westernized ones? Do the Monks in Tibet "thrive on bullshit" as well?
Could you give more info?
OK, I agree with that. You should learn as best as is capable, both aspects. Especially when both aspects come from the same source.
What's your excuse then, for refusing to learn spirituality from martial arts, when it's clearly conveyed therein?
If you have to ask this, then it continually remains clear that you don't know what spirituality is to begin with.
I want spirituality from ALL THINGS, because ALL THINGS originate in spirituality.
See my previous response(s) to this sentiment earlier in this post.