What Manik Chia says below is that the ancient daoists gave the state that braught forth their universe a name. "the WU CHI". He goes on to say that this unknown X, stirred, and the first momenet of creatin began.
So the obvious discussion in a zen state of abstraction is,
What make the ultimate state of nothingness/ negation/ emptyness create a fist moment of creation/[/quoe]
there is no first moment
these things we call 'moments' are not as actual as our calendars might like us to think
since this state is still consitered unknown, owr origin remains unknown.
there is a difference between unknown and undefinable
you can KNOW it, but there are some things that you can know which cannot be condensed into neat little symbolic packages (words) and transferred from one head to the other
our origin is not unknown
it cannot be defined
and yet it has a name and is regarded farmiliarly.
yes - there are some people who can come to agreement on the state of affairs
It's just that the WU CHI state, according to the RULLER ZIG ZAG
ZIG ALLAH wants to be filled, and that is the supposed begining according to the RZA on wu corp back in the Wu Chi days,
like a baby wants milk?
or like a grown man wants a Bentley?
are we assigning human attributes to Wu Chi right here?
But since that state existed with out the presence of time, its existence, despite the manifestation and presence of things, remains, beyond relitive assesments.
as i said before - i would go a step further and say that it WILL remain 'beyond relative assessment'
I supose the reason you "bring up yacub" is becase for their to exist GOD, their must exist a universe, and for the universe and GOD to coexist, dispite the non existence of negation their must be a manifest witness, to concsider the
you know what I mean.
its nothing more than a procession of the process of creation
Above and below and beyond and again
we create fictional characters in the same relationship as our 'creator' to us
The presence, of the creator, considering the creation is born from nothing. And the presence is existent.
between any 2 numbers, there is an infinite number of points
What mind boggles is that the mind of the nothing, the substence of the nothing felt the need to explain itself with the creation of things and subsequently heaven and earth and subseqently gods and humans etc.
It goes on to show that even though the 0 is empty and compleatly void, the 0 is still feeling and intelgent.
but we have no reason to believe that it isnt just something that is 'doing what it is doing'
the notion of a 'need to explain itself' and the notion of 'feeling' is all very romantic and whimsical
but who is to say that it doesnt get approached with the same clockwork approach as a man in heaven preparing his daily bread?
And the only state of peace can exist when the 0 knows and understands it's own nonexistence fully. With out worries or doubts, about the freedom to express the wisdom of the negation of intelegence
A real man does not think of victory or defeat. He plunges recklessly towards an irrational death. By doing this, you will awaken from your dreams. - Hagakure
but this shit is just too much.
too many things.
this dialog is real
this is all really happening
Conciter that their is no comfort to be found by beings in the non existence of phenomenena. That the non existence had to pain itself to create, that all creation has the problem of nonbeing to look forward to and the pain of this problem to endure. This shows that the nonexistant intlegence knew and understood the pain of existence before the first moment of creation, and braught us out of it with compassion with wisdom.
And yet he knew about all the pain and suffering that was to come forth.
women know ahead of time that childbirth is painful
they dont have the sensation of giving birth to a child when they conceive
it seems that the real understanding would lead one to thrust themselves into the right direction (as i quoted from the Hagakure above) with a firm enough understanding of what is waiting on the other side
and take the lessons learned here with you
only with a full understanding of your responsibilities can you attain your true freedom
the two are linked together like yin/yang
if you give up on your responsibilities, then you will be deprived of your freedom
if you do not demand your freedom, then you will be overcome by the weight of your responsibilities
I guess the best thing I can say is (with hope of future clarification), "The beauty in my nature"" some thing "from mecca, when I make my self equality known to my reflector"...
endure as much as you can
when you cannot tolerate anymore, then react - but not a moment sooner
What I ment when I said LIGHTNING is that the flash light of intlegence is instant, and it comes from the blackness of wisdom,
, or some thing.
but what does it represent?
the blackness of wisdom sounds nice, but make sure these words you speak graduate out of the realm of poetry and turn into something tangible that you can see wiff your eyes